
Radiology encompasses a variety of imaging tests that are used by your doctor to determine the right diagnosis, and with it, the right kind of treatment. You can learn more about radiology and other types of tests available at HealthCheck in Vienna, VA, by reaching out to Dr. Hanibal Mahdi and Dr. Mohammed Al-Kadiri.


The most common type of imaging test you may be familiar with is the X-ray, which has been used for many years now as a way for your doctor to take a look at what may be happening beneath your skin without the need to make a single incision.

It's a similar idea with just about all imaging tests, the goal is to closely examine details inside your body through a minimally invasive method.

This allows your doctor to not only diagnose a possible issue, but also to monitor an ongoing treatment, and to directly treat many types of medical conditions.

What to Expect

Though the specific details depend on the type of imaging test you are to undergo, there are similarities between them.

You are typically asked to either lie down or sit, and sometimes simply stand, while a machine with specialized sensors that captures an image that depicts what's happening inside your body. The different types of imaging tests provide different results, with different levels of detail, but all of them give your doctor an insight into what the next step should be.

On-Site Laboratory

Imaging tests are not the only type of testing that your doctor employs to determine the best diagnosis and treatment for your individual needs.

At HealthCheck you have the benefit of an on-site laboratory that can perform many of the typical lab tests you can expect anywhere else.

Radiology in Vienna, VA

Through all the tests that are run, your medical experts gather enough information to identify your needs, to determine what options are available to you, so you and them can plan how to best take charge of your health.

Whether you are seeking the radiology services of HealthCheck, or are looking for a practice that can provide both primary and urgent care in and around the area of Vienna, VA, you can dial (571) 407-7004 to schedule a visit with Dr. Mahdi and Dr. Al-Kadiri.